Academic & Executive Functioning Coaching

Academic coaching teaches and supports skill development in Executive Functioning, Productivity and Focus, Test Preparation, Test Taking, Active Studying, and Collaboration and Communication. 

Executive Function coaching fosters flexible thinking, self-advocacy and self-knowledge. In order to be effective, students must be able to manage the emotions that come with expectations, identify and focus their attention on goals, and organize and prioritize their work and time. Academic coaches help the student to reflect upon and revise their strategies in response to new challenges and guide the family unit in how to support these strategies.

Every child can achieve these goals! I provide the motivation, structure and organization needed to develop self-management abilities that will foster autonomy and a positive attitude towards learning in your child. Possessed with skills and goals, students move forward with renewed motivation and confidence for their journey towards a purposeful life. 

Middle and High School Tutoring

I  provide content-area support in the following ways:

  • Assistance with test preparation for all subjects, including SAT/ACT.
  • Assistance organizing and writing papers and essays in all subject areas, including college application essays.
  • Homework assignment completion.